PhD Students

Mohit Srivastava
India – South Asia, lived religion, human-divine interactions, Anthropocene, politics of development, logics of infrastructure, materiality, aesthetics
Lauren V. Sutherland
Borders, National security, Homeland security, Migration, Governance, Global capital and Commodity flows, Human Rights regimes, Policing, Infrastructure, Bureaucracy, Violence, Nationalism, Imperialism and Colonialism, Environment, Political Economy, Geography, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, U.S. and North America, Mexico.

Jessica Urban
(Arch) Ireland: Early Christian/medieval/contemporary, archaeology of standing structures, religious architecture/sacred space, pilgrimage, circulation and centers of attraction, saints’ cults, social relations and space, community formation and collective memory, aesthetics, Romanesque, Gothic, and revival architecture.
Claire Watson
(Arch) Roman archaeology, economic anthropology, materiality, maritime archaeology, the Balkans.
Alaina Wibberly
Sonoran borderlands, historical archaeology, settler colonialism & extractive industries, waste and toxicity, ecologial futures, landscape, GIS
Perry Wong
Central and North America. Linguistic anthropology, semiotics, American ethnology and linguistics. "Mayan in Cunén, El Quiché, Guatemala."
Hannah Woodroofe
USA Urban - Youngstown, OH. The Rustbelt; impoverishment and underclass traditions, waste-markets (scrap, junk, post-occupancy real estate), housing, infrastructural decay, post-waged work, sociality in the sagging city. "Feral Houses, Junk-Work, and Scrap Sociality: An Anthropology of Rustbelt Afterlife."
Hangi Yang
Political economy; affect; mobility and migration; space; media; gender; labor; pop culture industry; East Asia - China.

Roberto Young
Political culture; social theory; migration; semiotics; Mayan languages and cultures; the Americas.