
Christopher Bloechl
Linguistic anthropology, Mayan languages and culture, language standardization, media, Yucatan, highland Guatemala.
PhD, University of Chicago, 2023

Andrew Brandel
Anthropology of literature; politics of language; (mis)translation; anticolonialism; migration; ordinary language philosophy; South Asia; Germany
PhD, Johns Hopkins University, 2016
Jennifer Cole
Socio-cultural anthropology; anthropology of youth and generational change; memory and forgetting; historical anthropology; Christianity; migration, gender and sexuality; Madagascar, Africa, and France.
PhD, UC Berkeley, 1996
Molly Cunningham
Crisis; US; cities; finance; politics; structural racism; secular authority; science and technology; emergency management; municipal bankruptcy; Detroit; activism; ethnographic method; publics; embodiment; history; narrative; revelation.
PhD, University of Chicago 2019
Sanghamitra Das
India; South Asia; race, caste and indigeneity; Dalit and Adivasi Studies; genetics; illness narratives; (bio)citizenship; political economy of health; environment; embodiment.
PhD, Arizona State University, 2023
Alireza Doostdar
Anthropology of religion; Islam; modernity and the supernatural in Iran; Islamic spiritual cinema; modernist universalist religious movements; state entanglements with sorcery; the decades-old project of Islamizing the sciences in Iran.
PhD, Harvard, Anthropology and Middle Eastern Studies, 2012
Renate Lellep Fernandez
Nutritional deficiency in Spain.
PhD Anthropology, Rutgers University, 1988
Michele Friedner
Category and experience of deafness and disability, particularly in urban India.
PhD, University of California at Berkeley, 2011

Jay M. Henderson
USA – Chicago, Wisconsin, and virtual. Trauma, medical anthropology, U.S. military studies, ethics and the ordinary, human-animal relations. “Trust your Dog: Training Service Dogs for U.S. Veterans with Trauma.”
PhD, University of Chicago, 2024
Angie Heo
Religion, media and economy; minority politics; global religious movements.
PhD, University of California-Berkeley, 2008
Amy Krauss
Gender and sexuality; global health and forms of governance; decolonial feminisms and critical theory; politics of law; illness experience and embodiment; Mexico and the United States.
PhD, Johns Hopkins University, 2016