PhD Students
Max Nikol
linguistic anthropology, comparison, multimodal expressivity, truth-telling, media and interaction, cosmopolitanism, postsecularism, World Englishes, art music, Serbia, North America
William Ockendon
USA - South. Anthropology of time and historical consciousness, political anthropology especially nationalism and identity, the ontological turn, landscape and space, phenomenology, subjectivity, anthropology and history.
Bob Offer-Westort
Linguistic anthropology; narration and the structuring of reason; language preservation and revitalization; reflexive mediatization and metasemiotics. African Red Sea coast.
Nida Paracha
South Asia - Pakistan (Karachi). Legal anthropology, national law and its relation to marginalization and criminalization of ethnic identities; migrant experiences of the state and law in both rural and urban spaces; Karachi Central Prison, criminalizing rural migrants, socializing migrants into citizens.
Emma Pask
(joint w/ CHSS) North American History and Anthropology; STS; Ecology and Climate Politics; State Violence and Militarism; Political Economy of Extraction; Borders and Boundaries; Territory and Sovereignty; Feminist and Queer Criticism.
Helena Ratte
Post-socialism, migration and mobility, political imagination after the Cold War; civic organizations, NGOs and funding agencies; ex-Yugoslavia/Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Sweden
Resham Tessa Redmond
West Africa, Mexico, Central America. Postcolonial archaeology, community-based research, activist research methods.
Fernando Revelo La Rotta
Middle East - Egypt. Identity/subjectivity, gender and sexuality, refugees and migrants, ethnography of queer subjectivities and marginalization in Egypt.
Giovanni Ricci
Europe - Germany/Austria/Czech Republic. Language and technology, semiotics, politics of the Internet, Pirate Parties, "Anonymous" and anonymity, "trolls" and trolling. "Engineering Contemporary Politics: Pirate Parties and Technical Work in the Czech Republic."
E.M. Richmond
(MD/PhD) Horn of Africa/Indian Ocean. Landscape, borders, mobility.
Sam Robson
Medical anthropology; illness narratives; dementia; mental illness; public health; disability studies.
Dinayuri Rodriguez
Latin America, the Caribbean, Dominican Republic. Anarchism, Afro-latinidad and the politics of Afro-latinx identity; immigration, diaspora, and the politics of mobility; intersubjectivity, solidarity; representation in media and popular culture; independent media production; documentary film and ethnographic filmmaking; Performance Studies, Ethnic Studies, Black Studies, Critical Race Theory.