PhD Students
Ashir Mohamed Abdul Azeez
South-Asia - India; Islam, ethical self-fashioning, religion and secular, popular politics and mass mobilizations, corporeality, performativity, aesthetics, semiotics and affect.
Amara Ahmed
Anthropology of Islam, migration studies, policy studies, media, subaltern studies; tradition, diaspora studies, counterpublics; identity construction via Arabic language learning among descendants of Moroccan Muslim immigrants in Spain; Arabic language learning as ethical practice.
Sabena Allen
Native North America/Southeast Alaska (Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian). Dispossession, climate change, place and storywork, sacred objects, oral history.
Jianghong An
East Asia - China. Political and legal anthropology, linguistic anthropology, ideology, state, sovereignty, bureaucracy, urban space, infrastructure; migrant petitioners.
Zachary Arrington
Medical anthropology; psychedelics, drug studies and social studies of psychiatry; science and technology studies (STS); psychoanalysis/psychological anthropology; subjectivity; death, dying, and social formations of ‘threat’; the senses, sense making, and the body; aesthetics and politics; the U.S.
Krithika Ashok
South Asia - India; political and legal anthropology; legal language; litigants and court practice; state and citizenship; political subjectivity.
Erin Atwell
Egypt, Islamic preaching, ethical self-fashioning, embodiment, intimacy, humanitarian reason, anthropology of religion, textuality and materiality.
Henry Bacha
Historical anthropology; historical archaeology; ethnohistory; legal anthropology; Marxism; political economy; historiography and historical methods; social movements; colonialism; anthropology of religion and ritual; the Catholic Church; Christian theology; missions and mission Christianity; Latin America; the Andes; Amazonia; the Southern Cone; Iberia; the French Americas.
Hadeel Badarni
Middle East - Palestine. Techno-scientific capitalism, geopolitics of energy production, political ecology, political economy; renewable electrification of Palestine.
Alexis Rolando Chavez
Critical race theory, anthropology of religion, France.

Hazal Corak
Historical anthropology of empires and imperialism, steel modernities, recycling, global flows of scrap metal, maritime anthropology, industrial labor, finance and financialization, materiality and metallurgy, Turkey, Britain, and the Mediterranean.