PhD Students
Christopher Grant
(Arch) USA - Louisiana (New Orleans); French Caribbean - Haiti. Labor and subjectification, urban landscapes, built environment; material culture; craftsmanship, urban experience; loss, displacement, belonging. "Crafting Community: Race, Creative Labor, and Everyday Aesthetics in the Creole Faubourgs of New Orleans, 1790-1896."
Nicole (Nikki) Grigg
(Arch) USA - Mid-Atlantic. Urban archaeology, archaeology of diaspora, historical capitalisms, constructions of heritage, memory, public archaeology.
Siyun Guo
(Arch) Northwest China (Bronze Age). Cultural frontier regions (the Gansu/Hexi Corridor); a study of temporality from the perspective of subsistence practices - utilizing zooarchaeology & paleosoil records.
Daniel R. Hansen
(Archaeology) Early medieval Scotland; northern Europe; archaeology of social identity/ethnicity; semiotics of landscape; archaeology and linguistics.

Debora Heard
(Arch) Africa - Egypt/Nubia, Gebel Barkal, Sudan. State Power: ideology, religion and material culture; Archaeology of Ideology: iconography, landscape and ritual. "In the Houses of the Ram and the Lion: Religious Displays of Political Subjectivity in the Kushite Temples of Amun and Apedemak."
Marie Helmy
Egypt, Coptic Christians (claim to pre-Arab/Islamic roots in Egypt). Racialization of Islam, empire and colonialism, transnational racial identity formations, crtical race theory; Coptic nationalism.
Jiyea Hong
Entextualization of culture; community/indigenous media; history of science.
Rachel Howard
US; Arizona; race; politics; water; reproduction; homeownership; crisis.

Kenzell Huggins
Southeast Asia-Singapore. Linguistic and cultural Anthropology; media, film and television production, gaming, subtitles; semiotics, animation, textuality; collaborative and virtual ethnography.
Carol Iglesias Otero
Meteorology/weather stations/climate; mathematics, abstraction, and environmental justice; agriculture, temporality, and reparations; psychoanalysis and embodiment; aesthetics/perception; Central America - Caribbean.

Ashley T.R. Jackson
U.S. South; modern property relations, property law, colonialism, racial capitalism, finance, cultures of risk, pollution, and climate change

Tackjin Jung
Magical capitalism; commodification; cultural economy; political violence; collective political movement; rituals; occultism; shamanism; sorcery; magic; witchcraft; Indonesia