Hussein Ali Agrama
Anthropology of religion, science and technology; secularism and secularity; UFOs and non-human awareness; esotericism; Islam and Judaism; law; colonial power and history; Middle East and Europe; Egypt, France.

E. Summerson Carr
Knowledge production and dissemination; scale; complex institutions; professional culture and practice; training and apprenticeship; therapeutic interventions and institutions; animal-human interaction; addiction and its treatment; American Pragmatism; United States.

Julie Y. Chu
Sociocultural anthropology; globalization and transnational processes; mobility and migration; economy and value; ritual life; material culture; media and technology; state regulatory regimes; China.

Shannon Lee Dawdy
Transdisciplinary anthropology; archaeology of the contemporary; historical anthropology; cities; colonialism and capitalism; informal economies; sex; death; disaster; temporality; utopia; filmmaking; the Americas.

Michael Dietler
Archaeology and ethnoarchaeology; colonialism and postcolonial studies; material culture theory; alcohol and foodways; architecture and urban landscapes; economic anthropology; migration and diasporas; heritage, memory, and identity politics; Celticism; science studies; ethnomusicology; Europe, Africa.

Michael Fisch
Technology/nature/culture; cybernetic ontologies; infrastructure and design; Japan anthropology; biomimicry; experimental ecologies; urban theory.

Susan Gal
Linguistic anthropology; politics of communication; sociolinguistics; social theory; gender; ethnicity; European studies; postsocialism.

Ryan Cecil Jobson
Energy; oil and gas; infrastructure; sovereignty; race; capital; historical anthropology; epistemology; Caribbean; the Americas.

John D. Kelly
Social theory; capitalism; nation and decolonization; anthropology of knowledge; semiotic technologies; Fiji, India.

Karin D. Knorr Cetina
Globalization; cultural studies; economic sociology and anthropology; knowledge; science and information; Europe.

Alan L. Kolata
Archaeology and ethnohistory; preindustrial urbanism; development of agricultural systems; human environment interactions; anthropology of development; Andes, Mesoamerica, Southeast Asia.

Darryl Li
Law; war; empire and colonialism; race; mobility; migration; carcerality; universalism; region-formation; sovereignty; violence; security; humanitarianism; human rights; Middle East, South Asia, Balkans.