Signification, Circulation, Emanations, April 26-27

April 2, 2024 (last updated on April 9, 2024)

Signification, Circulation, Emanations flyer

Signification, Circulation, Emanations is the third of three conferences on the work of Michael Silverstein (1945–2020). The conference takes cues from Silverstein’s work on the institutionality and institutionalization of semiosis sketched out in the later phase of his career, as seen through the prism of his conceptual triad: signification, circulation, and emanation. Silverstein’s body of work remains an invitation to the multiple academic publics to which he wrote, manifesting as the ripples traveling outwards from a lifetime of semiotic theorization, cresting onto the open horizon of our collective future inquiries.

Friday & Saturday, April 26-27, in-person at the Franke Institute for the Humanities and online via Zoom. Register now.

Sponsored by the Department of Anthropology, the Franke Institute for the Humanities, MAPSS, the Department of Linguistics, and the Center for the Study of Communication and Society.

Visit the SCE website for the conference program and more information.