Ralph W. Nicholas does research on South Asian societies and cultures with an emphasis on Bengal. He has done research on religion, including Hindu rites, middle period Bengali narrative, and the relationship between Hinduism and Islam in South Asia. He also has studied kinship and families in Bengal. (Retired June 2000.)
Recent Research / Recent Publications
Thirteen Festivals: A Ritual Year in Bengal. Delhi: RCS and Orient BlackSwan Publishers.
Night of the Gods: Durga Puja in Bengali Society. Delhi: Chronicle Books.
Rites of Spring: Gajan in Village Bengal. Delhi: Chronicle Books.
The Fruits of Worship: Practical Religion in Bengal. Delhi: Chronicle Books.
The village mother in Bengal. In J.J. Preston, ed., Mother Worship: Theme and Variations. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, pp. 192-209.
The goddess Sitala and epidemic smallpox in Bengal. Journal of Asian Studies 41:21-44.
(with Ronald B. Inden) Kinship in Bengali Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.