Manuela Carneiro Da Cunha PhD, University of Campinas, 1975 Email
Professor Emerita of Anthropology and of Social Sciences in the College

Manuela Carneiro da Cunha has dealt with indigenous Amazonian cultures, the re-emigration of freed slaves to West Africa in the nineteenth century and the history of Brazilian legislation and policy towards indigenous peoples from the 16th century to the present, focusing on ethnicity, history and myth. She has been much involved with indigenous rights in Brazil; she is presently conducting a multi-disciplinary pilot project in the Amazon on the sustainability of extractive reserves and on Amazonian ethnoscience.


Recent Research / Recent Publications

Selected Publications

(w/ Mauro Almeida) A Enciclopédia da Floresta: o Alto Juruá. Práticas e Conhecimentos das Populações. São Paulo: Editora Companhia das Letras.

(w/ Mauro Almeida) Global Environmental Changes and Traditional People. In D. Hogan and M. Tommalsquim, eds. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: Brazilian Perspectives. Rio de Janeiro: Academia Brasileria de Ciências, 79-98.

Role of UNESCO in the Defense of Traditional Knowledge. In P. Seitel, ed., Safeguarding Traditional Cultures: A Global Assessment. Washington, DC: Smithsonian/UNESCO.

(w/ Mauro Almeida) “Indigenous People, Traditional Peopla and Conservation in the Amazon,” in Brazil: Burden of the Past, Promise of the Future. Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Sciences. 129(2): 315-338.

Children, Politics and Culture: the Case of Brazilian Indians. In. S. Stephens, ed., Children and the Politics of Culture. Princeton University Press, 282-291.

O futuro da questao indigena. Estudos Avancados.

(Co-ed. w/ E. Viveiros de Castro), Amazonia: Etnologia e Historia Indigena, São Paulo, NHII, USP.

Imagens de indios do Brasil: o seculo XVI. In Ana Pizarro, ed., America Latina: Palavra, literatura e cultura. Campinas, Brazil: Editora da Unicamp, pp. 151-172.

Legislacao Indigenista no seculo XIX. Sao Paulo, EDUSP e Comissao pro-Indio, 362 pp.

(Editor) Historia dos Indios no Brasil. Sao Paulo, Cia. das Letras, FAPESP/SMC, 612 pp.

Cannibalisme. In P. Bonte and M. Izard, eds., Dictionnaire de l’Ethnologie et de l’Anthropologie. Paris, Presses Universitaires de Frances, p. 124.

Custom is not a Thing, it is a Path: Reflections on the Brazilian Indian Case. In A. An’naim, ed., Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 276-294.

Notes and Documents. Introduction to “On the Amelioration of Slavery” (1816) by Henry Koster. Slavery and Abolition, A Journal of Comparative Studies II(3):368-376.