Recent Research / Recent Publications
2021 Gathering Medicines: Nation and Knowledge in China’s Mountain South. With Lili Lai, University of Chicago Press.
2020 A Way of Life: Things, Thought, and Action in Chinese Medicine. Yale University Press.
2015 Metaphysics at the Bedside. In H. Chiang, ed., Historical Epistemology and the Making of Chinese Medicine. Manchester University Press, pp. 219-236.
Nationality Medicines in China: Institutional Rationality and Healing Charisma (with Lili Lai). Comparative Studies in Society and History. 57(2): 381-406.
Information and Its Practical Other: Crafting Zhuang Nationality Medicine (with Lili Lai). East Asian Science and Technology Studies (EASTS). 8: 417-437.
Chinese Medicine as Popular Knowledge in Urban China. In L. Barnes & T.J Hinrichs, eds., Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History. Harvard University Press: 272-274.
Reading Hands: Pulse Qualities and the Specificity of the Clinical. East Asian Science and Technology Studies (EASTS). 8(1): 1-16.
Ten Thousand Things: Nurturing Life in Contemporary Beijing. (w/ Zhang Qicheng) Zone Press.
Knowledge in Translation: Global Science, Local Things. In Lesley Green and Susan Levine, eds., Medicine and the Politics of Knowledge. Cape Town: Human Sciences Research Council Press: 153-170.
Pulse-Touching: Qualities and the Best Practitioner. In Hugh MacPherson and Volker Scheid, eds., Integrating East Asian Medicine into Contemporary Healthcare: Authenticity, Best Practice and the Evidence Mosaic. Elsevier. Pp. 39-53. (Appeared in 2013 EASTS: East Asian Science and Technology Studies journal, revised: Reading Hands: Pulse Qualities and the Specificity of the Clinical.)
The Park Pass: Peopling and Civilizing a New Old Beijing. Public Culture 21(3): 551-576.
How to Live: Reading China’s Popular Health Media. In K.K. Liew, ed., Liberalizing, Feminizing, and Popularizing Health Communications in Asia. Ashgate Publishers.
Beyond the Body Proper: Reading the Anthropology of Material Life. (ed. w/ M. Lock) Durham: Duke University Press.
Food, Eating and the Good Life. In C. Tilley, et al., eds., The Sage Handbook of Material Culture. London: Sage, 145-160.
Biopolitical Beijing: Pleasure, Sovereignty, and Self-Cultivation in China ‘s Capital. Cultural Anthropology. 20(3):303-327.
Appetites: Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China. Durham: Duke University Press.
For Your Reading Pleasure: Popular Health Advice and the Anthropology of Everyday Life in 1990s Beijing. Positions. 9(1): 105-130.
Technologies of Everyday Life: The Economy of Impotence in Reform China. Cultural Anthropology. 14(2): 155-179.
Empires of Hygiene, a special Issue of Positions volume 6, no. 3 (winter). (Co-edited with Marta Hanson). This issue was recognized by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (Modern Language Association) with a second place award for Best Special Issue.
Market Magic: Getting Rich and Getting Personal in Medicine after Mao. American Ethnologist 23(2): 239-257.
Rewriting Chinese Medicine in Post-Mao China. In D. Bates, ed., Knowledge and the Scholarly Medical Traditions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 251-276.
Knowing Practice: The Clinical Encounter in Chinese Medicine. Boulder: Westview Press.
Eating Chinese Medicine. Cultural Anthropology. 9(4): 471-497.
Multiplicity, Point of View, and Responsibility in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In A. Zito & T. Barlow, eds., Body, Subjectivity and Power in China. University of Chicago Press, 78-99.
The Concept of Culture in Post-War American Historiography of China. Positions 1:2, 486-525.
Time and Text: Approaching contemporary Chinese medicine through analysis of a case. In Charles Leslie & Allan Young, eds., Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Objects, Processes, and Female Infertility in Chinese Medicine. Medical Anthropology Quarterly (NS) 5(4): 370-399.
Problems of Knowledge in Contemporary Chinese Medical Discourse. Social Science and Medicine. 24 (No.12), pp. 1013 1021.
Night of the Living Dead: An American Horror Myth, Semiotica 38, 1/2, pp. 1 15.