Journal Articles
Below is a list of journal articles by faculty and doctoral students in the Department of Sociology published in the last three years.
Zhang, Yueran. 2025. "Accidentally Emboldened: Industrial Workers between Democracy and Despotism on the Shop Floor in Wuhan, China (1984-1985)." International Review of Social History, Cambridge University Press
Robert Vargas[Opens in a new window], David Hackett, Sebastian Ortega, Elena Smyslovskikh and Federico Dominguez-Molina. 2025. "Academic Copaganda." Cambridge University Press.
Eman Abdelhadi and Anna Fox. 2024. “Walking the Orientalism Tightrope: How Muslim Americans Construct Their Gender Ideologies.” Gender & Society 38(6):902-934.
Pete Aceves and James Evans. 2024. “Human Languages with Greater Information Density Increase Communication Speed, but Decrease Conversation Breadth.” Nature Human Behaviour.
E. Bower, R. Harrington-Abrams, and Betsy Priem. 2024. "Complicating “community” engagement: Reckoning with an elusive concept in climate-related planned relocation." Global Environmental Change 88:102913.
Liang Cai, C. R. Browning, and Kathleen A. Cagney. 2024. "Exposure of Neighborhood Racial and Socio-Economic Composition in Activity Space: A New Approach Adjusting for Residential Conditions." Social Forces.
James Evans and Jacob Foster 2024. “Algorithmic Abduction: Robots for Alien Reading.” Critical Inquiry 50(3): 375-401.
Shumeng Han and Xiangyi Ren. 2024. "Disobedient Children, Hybrid Filiality: Negotiating Parent–Child Relations in Local Legal System in Republican China, 1911–1949." Law and History Review 42(2):1-24.
Khwan Kim, Noah Askin, and James Evans. 2024. “Disrupted Routines Anticipate Musical Exploration.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Ningzi Li, Shiyang Lai, and James Evans. 2024. “Big Data and the Computational Social Science of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.” De Gruyter Handbook of Sociology of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, eds. Olav Sorensen, Patricia Thornton.
Simon Schachter, Eric Chandler, Kiran Misra, and Robert Vargas. 2024. "The Social Structure of Private Donations to Police." Working Paper.
Linda Zhao and A.V. Papachristos. 2024. "Threats to Blue Networks: The Effect of Partner Injuries on Police Misconduct." American Sociological Review 89(1):159-195.
Ángela Zorro Medina, Stephanie Ternullo, and Robert Vargas. 2024. “How Political Dynasties Concentrate Advantage within Cities: Evidence from Crime and City Services in Chicago." Social Forces.
Luc Anselin and Pedro Amaral. 2023. “Endogenous Spatial Regimes.” Journal of Geographical Systems.
Ladak, Ali, Matti Wilks, and Jacy Reese Anthis. 2023. “Extending Perspective Taking to Nonhuman Animals and Artificial Entities.” Social Cognition 41(3):274–302.
Anna Berg. 2023. "Anti-COVID = Anti-science? How protesters against COVID-19 measures appropriate science to navigate the information environment." New Media & Society.
Swarnabh Ghosh, Neil Brenner, and Nikos Katsikis. 2023. “The global industrial feedlot matrix: a metabolic monstrosity." Pp. 132-155 in Jeffrey S. Nesbit and Charles Waldheim eds., Technical Lands: A Critical Primer. Berlin: Jovis.
Elisabeth S. Clemens. 2023. “Political Institutions” in Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso, eds., The Encyclopedia of Political Sociology.
Molly Lewis and James Evans. 2023. “Local similarity and global variability characterize the semantic space of human languages.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. free.
Yong Li, Yunke Zhang, Fengli Xu, Lin Chen, Yuan Yuan, James Evans, and Luis Bettencourt. 2023. “Counterfactual Mobility Network Embedding Reveals Prevalent Accessibility Gaps in U.S. Cities.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. free.
David Wolpert, Stefani Crabtree, Michael Price, Manfred Laubichler, Timothy Kohler, James Evans, Hajime Shimao, Juergen Jost, Peter Stadler. 2023. “The Past as a Stochastic Process.” Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology. free.
Nandana Sengupta, Neaketa Chawla, Anna Agrawal, and James Evans. 2023. “Do online certifications improve job market outcomes? Evidence from an IT skills certification platform in India.” Information Economics and Policy 65: 10167. free.
Eamon Duede, Misha Teplitskiy, Karim Lakhani and James Evans. 2023. “Being Together in Place as a Catalyst for Scientific Advance”. Research Policy 53(2): 104911. free.
Donghyun Kang and James Evans. 2023. “Scientific Networks.” SAGE Social Network Analysis Handbook.
Haizi Yu, James Evans, Lav Varshney. 2023. “Information Lattice Learning”. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.
Jamshid Souratiand James Evans. 2023. “Accelerating Science though Human-Aware Artificial Intelligence”. Nature Human Behaviour.
Gengjie Jia, Yu Li, Xue Zhong, Kanix Wang, Milton Pividori, Rabab Alomairy, Aniello Esposito, Hatem Ltaief, Chikashi Terao, Masato Akiyama, Koichi Matsuda, David E. Keyes, Hae Kyung Im, Takashi Gojobori, Yoichiro Kamatani, Michiaki Kubo, Nancy J. Cox, James Evans, Xin Gao, Andrey Rzhetsky. 2023. “The High-dimensional Space of Human Diseases Built from Diagnosis Records and Mapped to Genetic Loci.” Nature Computational Science.
Nandana Sengupta, Ashwini Vaidya, and James Evans. 2023. “In her Shoes: Gendered Labelling in Crowdsourced Safety Perceptions Data from India.” ACM FAccT.
Pedro Aceves and James Evans. 2023. “Mobilizing Conceptual Spaces: How Word Embedding Models Can Inform Measurement and Theory within Organization Science”. Organization Science.
James Evans, Tyler Reigeluth, and Adrian Johns. 2023. “The Craft and Code Binary: Before, During, and After” in Beyond Craft and Code: Human and Algorithmic Cultures, Past and Present. Osiris 38; University of Chicago Press.
James Evans and Adrian Johns. 2023. “How and Why to Historicize Algorithmic Cultures” in Beyond Craft and Code: Human and Algorithmic Cultures, Past and Present. Osiris 38; University of Chicago Press.
Abdullah Almaatouq, Thomas Griffiths, Jordan W. Suchow, Mark Whiting, James Evans, and Duncan Watts. 2023. “Beyond Playing 20 Questions with Nature: Integrative Experiment Design in the Social and Behavioral Sciences”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Feng Shi and James Evans. 2023. “Surprising combinations of research contents and contexts are related to impact and emerge with scientific outsiders from distant disciplines”. Nature Communications.
Reyna I. Hernandez. 2023. “Wrongfully Convicted and in Lock-Up: Understanding Innocence and the Development of Legal Consciousness Behind Prison Walls." Law & Social Inquiry.
Donghyun Kang and James Evans. 2023. "Scientific Networks." Pp. 225-241 in The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, Second Edition.
René D. Flores, María Vignau Loria, and Regina Martínez-Casas. 2023. "Transitory vs. Durable Boundary Crossing: What Explains the Indigenous Population Boom in Mexico?" American Journal of Sociology.
Marco Garrido. 2023. “The Housing Divide in the Global South.” Chapter in The Sociology of Housing: How Homes Shape our Social Lives, edited by Brian J. McCabe and Eva Rosen. University of Chicago Press.
Julian Go. 2023. Policing Empires: Race, Imperialism and Militarization in the US and Great Britain, 1829-present. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Julian Go. 2023. “Social Perspectival Realism and Theoretical Innovation.” Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory.
Julian Go. 2023. "Reverberations of Empire: How the Colonial Past Shapes the Present.” Social Science History.
Julian Go. 2023. “Anticolonial Thought, the Sociological Imagination, and Social Science: A Reply to Critics.” British Journal of Sociology.
Julian Go. 2023. “Thinking Against Empire: Anticolonial Thought as Social Theory.” British Journal of Sociology. Online first.
Hans Joas. 2023. Moral Change and the Ambiguity of Religions: Christianity between Racism and the Struggle against It. Uppsala: Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study.
Donghyun Kang, TaeYoung Kang, and Junkyu Jang. 2023. "Papers with code or without code? Impact of GitHub repository usability on the diffusion of machine learning research." Information Processing & Management 60(6):103477.
Hyunku Kwon and John Levi Martin. 2023. “Subjective Political Polarization." Sociological Science.
Allison Reed. 2023. "Repertoires of Care and Activist Sustainability in U.S. Social Justice Organizing." Mobilization.
Kristen Schilt and Kimberly Kay Hoang. 2023. "Changing Women in a Changing Society at 50: A Symposium.” American Journal of Sociology.
Peter Forberg and Kristen Schilt (equal authorship). 2023. “What’s Ethnographic about Digital Ethnography? A Sociological Perspective.” Frontiers in Sociology.
Nicolás Torres-Echeverry. 2023. “Social Media, Meet Old Politics: Preservation and Innovation in Colombian Presidential Elections, 2010-2018.” Theory & Society.
Ilana M. Ventura and Angela S. García. 2023. "Resilient Remittances? Examining Immigrant Remittances from the United States to Latin America During Covid-19." International Migration Review.
Linda Zhao. 2023. “From Superdiversity to Consolidation: Implications of Structural Intersectionality for Interethnic Friendships.” American Journal of Sociology 128(4):993-1289.
Linda Zhao. 2023. “Networks in the Making: Friendship Segregation and Ethnic Homophily.” Social Science Research 110:102813.
Xiaogao Zhou and Songyin Liu. 2023. “Making Gender Crises: State Newspapers and the Regulation of Gender Nonconformity in China.” Social Problems.
Ángela Zorro Medina. 2023. “Una evaluación experimental de los acuerdos penales en Colombia” (“An Experimental Evaluation of Criminal Settlements in Colombia”). In Justicia penal y mecanismos de condena sin juicio, edited by M. Langer and M. Sozzo.
Luc Anselin and Sergio J. Rey. 2022. “Open Source Software for Spatial Data Science.” Geographical Analysis 54.
Lin, Q, M. Kolak, B. Watts, Luc Anselin, H. Pollack, J. Schneider, B. Taylor. 2022. “Individual, Interpersonal, and Neighborhood Measures Associated with Opioid Use Stigma: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Survey.” Social Science and Medicine 305:115034.
Algeri, C., Luc Anselin, A. Fabio Forgione, C. Migliardo. 2022. “Spatial Dependence in the Technical Efficiency of Local Banks.” Papers in Regional Science 101(3):685-716.
Luc Anselin, X. Li and J. Koschinsky. 2022. “GeoDa. From the Desktop to an Ecosystem for Exploring Spatial Data.” Geographical Analysis 54:439-466.
Talen, E. and Luc Anselin. 2022. “Tracking Sixty Years of Income Diversity Within Neighborhoods: The Case of Chicago, 1950-2010.” Cities 121:103479.
Rey, S., Luc Anselin, P. Amaral, D. Arribas-Bel, R. Cortes, J. Gaboardi, W. Kang, E. Knaap, Z. Li, S. Lumnitz, T. Oshan, H. Shao and L. Wolf. 2022. “The PySAL Ecosystem: Philosophy and Implementation." Geographical Analysis 54:467-487.
Saxon, J, J. Koschinsky, K. Acosta, V. Anguiano, Luc Anselin and S. Rey. 2022. “An Open Software Environment to Make Spatial Access Metrics More Accessible.” Journal of Computational Social Science 5:265-284.
Jacy Reese Anthis. 2022. “Consciousness Semanticism: A Precise Eliminativist Theory of Consciousness.” In Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2021, eds. Paul V Klimov and David J. Kelley. New York: Springer.
Janet Pauketat and Jacy Reese Anthis. 2022. "Predicting the Moral Consideration of Artificial Intelligences.” Computers in Human Behavior.
Anna Berg. 2022. “Electoral Strategy or Historical Legacy? The CDU’s Reactions to Far-Right Parties in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1964-1990.” Social Science History.
Neil Brenner and Swarnabh Ghosh. 2022. "Between the colossal and the catastrophic: planetary urbanization and the political ecologies of emergent infectious disease." Environment and Planning A:1-44.
Likun Cao, Ziwen Chen, and James Evans. 2022. “Destructive Creation, Creative Destruction, and the Paradox of Innovation Science.” Sociological Compass.
Elisabeth S. Clemens. “Polity,” pp. 323-337 in The Handbook of Classical Sociological Theory, Seth Abruytn and Omar Lizardo, eds. Springer.
Pranathi Diwakar. 2022. “Placing Caste: Spatialization, Urban Segregation, and Musical Boundary Making.” Social Forces.
Nandana Sengupta, Madeleine Udell, Nathan Srebro, and James Evans. 2022. “Missing Value Imputation and Sparse Data Reconstruction through Matrix Factorization”. Sociological Methodology.
Daniel Acuña, Misha Teplitskiy, James Evans, and Konrad Körding. 2022. “Author-suggested reviewers rate manuscripts much more favorably: a cross-sectional analysis of the neuroscience section of PLOS ONE”. PLOS ONE.
Bhargav Srinivasa Desikan and James Evans. 2022. “Misalignment Between Skills Discovered, Disseminated, and Deployed in the Knowledge Economy”. Journal of Social Computing.
Lin Chen, Fengli Xu, Zhenyu Han, Kun Tang, Pan Hui, James Evans, and Yong Li. 2022. “Strategic COVID-19 vaccine distribution can simultaneously elevate social utility and equity”. Nature Human Behaviour.
Haizi Yu, Lav Varshney, Heinrich Taub, James Evans. 2022. “(Re)discovering Laws of Music Theory using Information Lattice Learning”. IEEE BITS the Information Theory Magazine: Special Issue on Information Processing in Arts and Humanities.
Likun Cao, Ziwen Chen, James Evans. 2022. “Destructive Creation, Creative Destruction, and the Paradox of Innovation Science”. Sociological Compass.
Fengli Xu, Lingfei Wu, James Evans. 2022. “Flat Teams Drive Scientific Innovation”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Jamshid Sourati, Alexander Belikov, James Evans. 2022. “Data on How Science is Made can Make Science Better”. Harvard Data Science Review.
Alexander V. Belikov, Andrey Rzhetsky, James Evans. 2022. “Prediction of robust scientific facts from literature”. Nature Machine Intelligence.
Victor Rotaru, Yi Huang, Timmy Li, James Evans, and Ishanu Chattopadhyay. 2022. “Event-level Prediction of Urban Crime Reveals Signature of Enforcement Bias in U.S. Cities”. Nature Human Behaviour.
James Evans. 2022. “From Text Signals to Simulations: A Review and Complement to Text as Data by Grimmer, Roberts & Stewart”. Sociological Methods and Research.
Yiling Lin, James Evans, Lingfei Wu. 2022. “New directions in science emerge from disconnection and discord”. Journal of Informetrics 16(1):101234.
Rebecca Ewert. 2022. “Like Wildfire: Creating Rumor Narrative Content in the Face of Disaster.” Environmental Sociology.
René D. Flores and Ariel Azar. 2022. "Who are the 'immigrants'?: How whites' Diverse Perceptions of Immigrants Shape their Attitudes." Social Forces.
Maghbouleh, Neda, Ariela Schachter, and René D. Flores. 2022. "Middle Eastern and North African Americans may not be Perceived, nor Perceive Themselves to be White." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119, no. 7.
Marco Garrido. 2022. “Manila.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Urban Studies, edited by Richardson Dilworth. Oxford University Press.
Karlyn Gorski. 2022. “You Selling? Snack Sales and the Construction of Deviance in High Schools.” Youth & Society.
Kimberly Kay Hoang. 2022. Spiderweb Capitalism: How Global Elites Exploit Frontier Markets. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Kimberly Kay Hoang. 2022. “Theorizing from the Margins: A Tribute to Lewis and Rose Laub Coser.” Sociological Theory 40(3):202-223.
Lara Janson. 2022. “A Manosphere Brotherhood against the Law: Masculinity Threat and Legal Consciousness in Online Networks for Buyers of Sex in Illinois.” Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
Jane McCamant. 2022. “Catholic Civics Education in the Early Cold War: Zeal for Democracy, Zeal for Christ.” The Journal of Historical Sociology.
Grey Pierce. 2022. “How Older White Gay Men and Lesbians Leverage Advantages to Navigate Healthcare.” The Journal of Homosexuality.
Allison Reed. 2022. “Mental Health, Availability to Participate in Social Change, and Social Movement Accessibility.” Social Science and Medicine.
Kristen Schilt. 2022. “Sex and the Sociological Dope: Garfinkel’s Intervention into the Disciplines of Sex/Gender.” The Ethnomethodology Program: Legacies and Prospects. Edited by John Heritage and Douglas Maynard. Oxford University Press: 214-226.
Joshua Silver and Claudio Benzecry. 2022. “Editor’s Love: Matching, Reading, and the Editorial Self-Concept.” In The Cultural Sociology of Reading, ed. Angelica Thumala Olave. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ross M. Stolzenberg and James Lindgren. 2022. “Judges as Party Animals: Retirement Timing by Federal Judges and Party Control of Judicial Appointments.” American Sociological Review 87(4):675–697.
Stephanie Ternullo. 2022. “‘I’m Not Sure What to Believe’: Media Distrust and Opinion Formation during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” American Political Science Review.
Jeffrey Parker and Stephanie Ternullo. 2022. “Gentrifiers Evading Stigma: Social Integrationists in the Neighborhood of the Future.” Social Problems.
Stephanie Ternullo and Jeffrey Parker. 2022. “Rage Against the Machine: How 21st Century Political Machines Constitute Their Own Opposition.” The Elgar Handbook of Urban Social Movements.
Eos Trinidad. 2022. “Meaning-Making, Negotiation, and Change in School Accountability, Or What Sociology Can Offer Policy Studies.” Sociological Inquiry.
Max D. Weinreb and Jenny Trinitapoli. 2022. "printcase: A command for visualizing single observations." The Stata Journal 22(4):958-968.
Robert Vargas.2022. “Four Ways Race and Capitalism Can Advance Urban Sociology.” City and Community.
Aziz Huq, Robert Vargas, and Caitlin Loftus. 2022. “Governing Through Gun Crime: How Chicago Funded Police After the 2020 Protests.” Harvard Law Review Forum.
Robert Vargas, Chris Williams, Philip O’Sullivan, and Christina Cano. 2022. “Capitalizing on Crisis: Chicago Responses to Homicide Waves 1920-2020.” University of Chicago Law Review 89: 405-439.
Ashwin Kotwal, Irena S. Cenzer, Linda J. Waite, Alexander K. Smith, Carla M. Perissinotto, and Louise C. Hawkley. 2022. “A Single Question Assessment of Loneliness in Older Adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Nationally-Representative Study." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Linda J. Waite, James Iveniuk, and Ashwin Kotwal. 2022. "Takes Two to Tango: Cognitive Impairment and Sexual Activity in Older Individuals and Dyads.” The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.
Chris Williams. 2022. “Blue Racing: The Racialization of Police in Hate Crimes Statistics.” University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform.
Geoffrey T. Wodtke, Kerry Ard, Clair Bullock, Kailey White, and Betsy Priem. 2022. “Concentrated Poverty, Ambient Air Pollution, and Child Cognitive Development.” Science Advances 8:1-19.
Geoffrey T. Wodtke, Sagi Ramaj, and Jared Schachner. 2022. “Toxic Neighborhoods: The Effects of Concentrated Poverty and Environmental Lead Contamination on Early Childhood Development.” Demography 59:1275-1298.
Yuchen Yang. 2022. “The Art Worlds of Gender Performance: Cosplay, Embodiment, and the Collective Embodiment of Gender.” The Journal of Chinese Sociology.
Canton Winer, Megan Carrroll, and Yuchen Yang. 2022. “I Didn’t Know Ace Was a Thing: Bisexuality and Pansexuality as Identity Pathways in Asexual Identity Formation.” Sexualities.
Selena Zhong, Megan Huisingh-Scheetz, and Elbert Huang. 2022. “Delayed Medical Care and Its Perceived Health Impact among US Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Zhu, R, Luc Anselin, M. Batty, M-P Kwan, M. Chen, W. Luo, T. Cheng, C.K. Lim, P. Santi, C. Cheng, Q. Gu, M.S. Wong, K. Zhang, G. Lü, C. Ratti. 2021. "The Effects of Different Travel Models and Travel Destinations on COVID-19 Transmission in Global Cities." Science Bulletin.
Harris, Jamie and Jacy Reese Anthis. 2021. “The Moral Consideration of Artificial Entities: A Literature Review.” Science and Engineering Ethics.
Calvo, E., Ariel Azar, Shura, R., & Staudinger, U. M. 2021. “A New Path to Address Multimorbidity? Longitudinal Analyses of Retirement Sequences and Chronic Diseases in Old Age.” Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Rebecca Ewert. 2021. “A Country Boy Can Survive: Rural Culture and Male-Targeted Suicide Prevention Messaging.” Social Science and Medicine.
Ariela Schachter, René D. Flores, and Neda Maghbouleh. 2021. "Ancestry, Color, or Culture? How Whites Ethnoracially Classify Others in the U.S." American Journal of Sociology 126, no. 5.
Mishal Khan. 2021. “Abolition as a Racial Project: Erasures and Racializations on the Borders of British India.” Political Power and Social Theory.
So Yoon Lee. 2021. “An Urban Explanation of Jokowi’s Rise: Implications for Politics and Governance in Post-Suharto Indonesia.” Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs.
Moira O’Shea and Masha Vlasova. 2021. “Fluid Objects: Speculations on Monumentality.” ASAP/Journal.
William A. Birdthistle & Joshua Silver. 2021. “Funding Crises: An Empirical Study of the Paycheck Protection Program.” The Buffalo Law Review.
Brandon Sward. 2021. “Visions of Modernity: Architecture, Colonialism, and Indigeneity Across the Americas.” Art Style.
Eos Trinidad. 2021. “Teacher Satisfaction and Burnout During COVID-19: What Organizational Factors Help?” International Journal of Leadership in Education.
Eos Trinidad & King, R. 2021. “Ability Grouping Predicts Inequality, Not Achievement Gains in Philippine Schools: Findings from PISA 2018.” Educational Research for Policy and Practice.
Haw, J., King, R.B. & Eos Trinidad. 2021. “Need Supportive Teaching is Associated with Greater Reading Achievement: What the Philippines Can Learn From PISA 2018.” International Journal of Educational Research.
Leyretana, K.A. & Eos Trinidad. 2021. “Predicting or Preventing Lifelong Learning? The Role of Employment, Time, Cost, and Prior Achievement.” Journal of Adult and Continuing Education.
Ilana Ventura, Selena Zhong, et al. 2021. “HPV and Pap Testing among White, Black, and Hispanic women: Results from a Survey Study.” Discover Social Science and Health.
Joshua Borton, A. Rupa Datta, and Ilana Ventura. 2021. 2019 NSECE Snapshot: Parent Work Schedules in Households with Young Children. OPRE Report No. 2021-187, Washington, DC.
Zikui Wei. 2021. "Nationalism or Geopolitics: The Rise of Guerillas and Patterns of Military Conflict during the Expansion of the Ili Rebellion, 1944–46." Social Science History.
Robert Vargas, Chris Williams, Phillip O’Sullivan, and Christina Cano. 2021. “Capitalizing on a Crisis: Chicago Policy Responses to Homicide Waves, 1920-1916.” University of Chicago Law Review.
Yuchen Yang. 2021. “Gender Uncoupled: Asexual People Making Sense of High School Sex Talk.” Sexualities.