Department Grants

Lichtstern Student Conference Travel Awards

Travel grants of up to $1000 per year (and can cover transportation, conference fees, accommodations, food, etc.) for Anthropology graduate students to present a paper at one professional academic conference. A student may only submit one request per year. Complete the application form and email both it and a letter of support from an advisor or member of committee to the Student Affairs Administrator, Americia Huckabee (, with the subject line "Lichtstern Travel Award."

Upon receiving the award and attending the conference, requests for reimbursement must include: 1) Conference information: copy of the program Title Page and listing of the paper/panel, showing student's name and paper presented, 2) Copy of the final title and abstract of paper presented, 3) Cover page summarizing expenses for which reimbursement is requested, 4) Original receipts for expenses.

Deadline: Rolling, one month prior to when the award will be used

Leiffer Fellowships

Leiffer Fellowships are designed to assist students in developing viable research projects. Such projects generally include preliminary fieldwork, travel, or other activities that will help prepare for later dissertation research. The funds are not intended for training (language training, coursework, etc.) but for carrying out independent or semi-independent projects or visits leading to the definition of research issues and the development of master's papers, dissertation proposals, and dissertation fieldwork. Travel to conferences will not be supported. Applicants are strongly encouraged to seek outside funding before/in addition to applying for a Leiffer award. Preference will be given to students for whom funding for such research is not available from other sources and second priority to those whose research budgets exceed other available funding. Post-field students are not eligible to apply. Competition is announced each Spring through the Anthropology e-mail network.

Deadline: early-to-mid-April

Department of Anthropology Mark Hanna Watkins Post-Field Fellowships

$5,000 / one-quarter awards from the Departmental Watkins fund to ease the transition from field-work to write-up. Competition is held in late Spring and is announced via e-mail.

Department of Anthropology Mark Hanna Watkins & Lichtstern Dissertation Fellowships

$25,000 stipends for the final year of dissertation write-up. Competition is announced each Spring in March with a due date of Approx. April 1. Harper, Markovitz, Mellon & Watkins/Lichtstern all use the same application, which is circulated via e-mail.

The Department has compiled directories of external fellowships for graduate student research: Pre-field, Field, and Post-field.