Photo of Karin Knorr Cetina
Karin D. Knorr Cetina PhD, University of Vienna, 1971 Office: Social Science 424 Phone: (773) 702-4333 Email Interests:

Globalization; cultural studies; economic sociology and anthropology; knowledge; science and information; Europe.

Otto Borchert Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology, Sociology, and of Social Sciences in the College

Karin D. Knorr Cetina specializes in economic anthropology/sociology, the anthropology of science, knowledge and technology, globalization and global society studies, contemporary social theory, and qualitative methods.


Recent Research / Recent Publications

Selected Publications

Synthetic Society. Under contract with Oxford University Press, 2019

Maverick Markets: The Virtual Societies of Financial Markets. Completed book manuscript ready for submission.

“Was ist ein Finanzmarkt? Vom Ticker zum Algorithmus.” In Wörterbuch der Gegenwart, ed. Stefan Aue and Bernd Scherer. Bibliothek 100 Jahre Gegenwart: Matthes & Seitz Berlin.

“Die nächsten 50 Jahre: Herausforderungen für die Ethnomethodologie.” In Beiträge zur Praxeologie, ed. Christian Meyer, Jörg Bergmann and Erhard Schüttpelz. Stuttgart: Metzler-Verlag.

“Talking and Thinking Theory.” In Talking Theory: A Sociological Con-Textbook, ed. Dieter Vandebroeck. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

“Postsocial.” In Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition. Edited by George Ritzer. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, USA.

“Der Markt als Objekt von Synchronisierungen“ (The market as a synthetic object). Pp 111-131 in De-/Synchronisieren. Leben im Plural, edited by Gabriele Brandstetter, Kai van Eikels, Anne Schuh. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag.

Dimensionen und Dynamiken synthetischer Gesellschaften (Dimensions and Dynamics of Synthetic Societies). Friedrich Krotz, Cathrin Despotovic, and Merle-Marie Kruse, eds., Mediatisierung als Metaprozess: Transformationen, Formen der Entwicklung und die Generierung von Neuem.

Österreichische Soziologie im globalen Wettbewerb-ein transatlantischer Blick zurück und in die Zukunft (Austrian Sociology within a Global competition-a Transatlantic Perspective on its Past and Future). Helmut Staubmann, ed., Soziologie in Österreich-Internationale Verflechtungen.

Wissenskulturen-Wissenschaftliche Praxis und gesellschaftliche Ordnung (Scientific Cultures-Scientific Practice and Social Order). Nina Baur, Chistina Besio, Maria Norkus, and Grit Petschick eds., Wissen-Organisation-Forschungspraxis. Der Makro-Meso-Mikro-Link in der Wissenschaft.

Living Data in Financial Markets--Concepts and Consequences" In ed. Florian Süssenguth, Die Gesellschaft der Daten--Über die digitale Transformation der sozialen Ordnung. Bielefeld.

What is a Financial Market? Global Markets as Media-Institutional Forms. In eds. Patrick Apers and Nigel Dodd, Re-Imagining Economic Sociology. Oxford University Press.

(with Werner Reichmann) Professional Epistemic Cultures. In eds. Ines Langemeyer, Martin Fischer, and Michaela Pfadenhauer, Epistemic and Learning Cultures--Woher und wohin sich Universitäten entwickeln. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

What if the Screens Went Black? The Coming of Software Agents. In eds. Beate Geissler and Oliver Sann, Volatile Smile. Nürnberg: Verlag für Moderne Kunst.

Instituionist Theorizing. In R. Swedberg, ed., Theorizing in the Social Sciences: Turning to the Context of Discovery. Stanford University Press.

What is a Financial Market? Global Markets as micro-institutional and post-traditional forms. In: Karin Knorr Cetina and Alex Preda (eds.) Handbook of the Sociology of Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Handbook of the Sociology of Finance. (ed with Alex Preda) Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Financial Analysis: Epistemic Profile of an Evaluative Science. In C. Camic, et al., eds., Knowledge Making, Use and Evaluation in the Social Sciences. University of Chicago Press.

The Epistemics of Information: A Logic of Knowledge Consumption. Journal of Consumer Culture. 10(2):1-31.

The Synthetic Situation: Interactionism for a Global World. Symbolic Interaction. 32(1): 61-87.

Microglobalization. In I. Rossi, ed. Frontiers of Globalization Research: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches. New York: Springer, 65-93.

Complex Global Microstructures: The New Terrorist Societies. In J. Urry ed., “Complexity,” special issue of Theory, Culture and Society. 22:213-234.

How Are Global Markets Global? The Architecture of a Flow World. In Knorr Cetina & Prada, eds., The Sociology of Financial Markets.

(Ed. w/ A. Prada) The Sociology of Financial Markets. Oxford University Press.

From Pipes to Scopes: The Flow Architecture of Financial Markets. Distinktion. 7: 7-23.

Inhabiting Technology: Features of a Global Lifeform. Current Sociology. July Special Issue on The Sociology of Technology.

(w/ Urs Bruegger) Global Microstructures: The Virtual Societies of Financial Markets. American Journal of Sociology. 107(4): 905-950.

Transparency Regimes and Management by Content in Global Organizations: The Case of Institutional Currency Trading. Journal of Knowledge Management.

(w/ Urs Bruegger) The Market as an Object of Attachment: Exploring Postsocial Relations in Financial Markets. Canadian Journal of Sociology. 25(2): 141-168.

Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.

Sociality with Objects: Social Relations in Postsocial Knowledge Societies. Theory, Culture and Society. 14(4): 1-30.

How Superorganisms Change: Consensus Formation and the Social Ontology of High-Energy Physics Experiments. Social Studies of Science. 25: 119-47.

The Couch, the Cathedral and the Lab: On the Relationship between Experiment and Laboratory Science. In A. Pickering, ed., Science as Practice and Culture. University of Chicago Press.

The Manufacture of Knowledge: An Essay on the Constructivist and Contextual Nature of Science. Oxford: Pergamon Press.